پپو نے آج صبح خبردی تھی کہ ڈاکٹر شاہد مسعود سے اختلافات کے باعث حامد میر کے نکے بھائی کو ان کے عہدے سے ہٹاکر عمران یعقوب کو جی این این کا نیا سئ ای او بنادیاگیا، خبر کے بعد کچھ دوستو کے میسیج آئے کہ ایسا نہیں لیکن پپو اپنی خبر پر قائم تھا ہھر آج دوپہر کو نکے بھائی نے اپنے عہدے سے استعفا دے دیا جس میں کوئی وجہ نہیں بتائی گئی یہاں ہم ان کے استعفے کے مندرجات بغیر کسی قطع و برید کے شائع کررہے ہیں۔۔
My Dear GNN family members.
Having worked together for over 40 months with some of the finest and most talented people in the Pakistani media industry, I have decided to leave this organisation with a heavy heart. It was a wonderful experience working with all of you in a professional atmosphere. And I will greatly miss each and every one of you since without the contribution of each one of you, it would have been impossible to make GNN an instant hit and a success story in the Pakistani media industry. Dear friends, those amongst you who know me closely, know quite well that leaving the GNN family was a very tough decision to make. However, I am leaving this organisation with this satisfaction that the Team GNN positively contributed to the Pakistani media industry by launching a professionally sound, credible and successful news channel. To me, journalism is not a job but a mission which is incomplete without passion. I hope that the GNN family members will carry on that mission with the same zeal, zest and passion in future as well. To me, the soul of journalism is professional integrity and I cannot compromise when it comes to principles. This message is meant to say good bye to all of you. Will also try to see all the staff members today. I wish you all the best.
Stay blessed and take care.
Amir Mir